In order to have you diving as soon as possible once you get here, we've made the necessary forms available so you can print them out and complete them at home! Please make sure you bring them with you to your first day of class.
Forms are grouped by the program for which they are used. You may notice that the medical statement is a requirement for all dive related courses, so make sure you complete it and obtain a physician's release if necessary prior to the start of your class.
Boat Waivers
Please get your boat waivers signed in advance for quicker check in. Then, when you arrive at the boat, come get checked in with the captain. Certified divers must be ready to present their certification cards. All passenger types must complete this waiver.
All Programs
Guided Dives
- Certified Divers Release Form - online waiver so you can get it out of the way right now!
Introductory Dive
Open Water Course
- Aloha! - your checklist (Open Water version)
- Student Responsibility Agreement
- Diver Medical
Advanced Open Water Course
- Aloha! - your checklist (Advanced Open Water version)
- Student Responsibility Agreement
- Continuing Education Form
- Diver Medical
Rescue Diver Course
Specialty Courses
- Student Responsibility Agreement
- Project Aware Book (about 10MB, so it'll take a minute to download) This is required reading for the Project Aware certification which is a prerequisite for participating in any of our clean-up dives. This downloadable book is FREE and your only cost for this certification is $35 for your new c-card!
- AWARE Shark Conservation Study Guide This is the manual required for the Shark Conservation Specialty course or for the Shark Conservation adventure dive during your advanced class. Make sure to fill out and bring the knowledge review at the end of the book!
- Continuing Education Form
- Diver Medical
Divemaster Course
Emergency First Response Course